Senin, 22 Desember 2014

My Dreams and Goals

On this post I’ll tell you about my dreams and goals.

I want to be a doctor, a good one. I now it’s really hard to be a doctor,so, I have to practice and learn many. Not only intelligence, I have to be a diligent person, so I decided to complete all my school assignment as soon as possible. I’m the lazy one, if you don’t know. So, it’s hard to be a diligent person for me, but, if I want my dreams become true, I have to.

I want to enter UNPAD Faculty of Medicine, because I think that is the good and nearest university. To be in UNPAD is not easy. So, I have to learn many science things. My science improvement is not really good. So, I have to study hard. Beside to being the doctor, I also want to be a novel writer. A fantasy one. I want my novel be the international best seller. I don’t expect my novel being liked by everyone, I just want write a novel that I love to write.

In university, I want to learn greek mythology, I really love that. All the gods and goddesses, they are ery cool. But, I don’t know if I can take that subject in university. Because that subject only exist in French Literature. Yeah, I think I would never know until the time is come.

Now, I study in SMAN 3 Bandung, which is a good SHS. In SMA 3, I want to get a good value. I also want to be a kind student, a diligent one, and a good student. I want to perform with T’st while I’m at SMAN 3 Bandung in many show. T’st is my favorite and the only one extracurricular I join.

I think that’s all for now. Thank you for reading.

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